iF最新大奖-“Lebens(t)raeume 2007”已经启动。此奖项针对设计专业学生和毕业两年内的青年设计师网上注册,免费报名参加。因此奖项属于国际大奖,参赛者需要有一定英语能力,能够在网上注册登记,表述自己作品的理念等。







     The “Lebens(t)raeume” competition offers students majoring in design, architecture or interior design, as well as young designers who have completed their studies within the last two years, an opportunity to publicize their projects involving Universal Design and Assisted Living. A jury of experts will select the prizewinning projects, the best of which are eligible for a share in the total purse of EUR 6,000. Prizewinning projects will be presented in Nuremberg, Germany, from March 20?22, 2007 at the “Lebensräume” special display staged during the “Altenpflege+ProPflege 2007” trade fair.

    This year’s competition is devoted to the topic of “working realms”.

     The competition is sponsored by the Vincentz Network publishers and organized by iF International Forum Design. Participation is free of charge. The registration deadline is February 2, 2007.

     Contestants are invited to submit their visions and solutions for buildings, rooms and products which have been developed in line with the principles of Universal Design and Assisted Living. In the Category Universal Design, these draft projects should be conceived of for use by the largest number of people possible, with all their varying capabilities and qualifications. The watchword here is “design for everyone,” as opposed to merely “design for the elderly.” In the category Assisted Living, the draft projects should be conceived of classical helping aids, interior designs and buildings for people with varying capabilities and qualifications.

     We look forward to receiving a large quantity of exciting, trailblazing projects.To go directly to the terms and conditions for participating and to call up the online registration form on our website www.ifdesign.de.

    If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact iF International Forum Design.
Frank Zierenberg | frank.zierenberg@ifdesign.de | P. +49.511 89 31129

电话:010 83681587
传真:010 83681553

【设计之家 原创文章 投稿邮箱:tougao@sj33.cn】
