Scenic City on the Silk Road--Travel + Theme Park
Announcement on International Competition of Brand Image Design
I. Organizer
主办:陕西旅游集团有限公司Sponsored by: Shaanxi Travel Group Co., Ltd.
Undertaken by: Xixian New Area Silk Road Culture Tourism Development Co., Ltd.
Supported by: Hua Shang Daily and www.hsw.cn
II. Theme of the competition
“丝绸之路风情城——旅行+主题乐园Travel + Theme Park”品牌形象设计国际竞赛International Competition of Brand Image Design of "Scenic City on the Silk Road--Travel + Theme Park"
III. Purpose of the competition
旨在通过开展全球范围内的项目标识系统设计竞赛活动,通过活动前后期的多渠道、广范围的宣传,提升全球范围对丝路文化的关注,从而将项目品牌内涵深入推广。It is targeted to raise the world's attention to the Silk Road culture and achieve further promotion of the connotation of the project brand through the design competition of the project identification system around the world and multi-channel and extensive advertisement.

IV. Background of the competition
1. 公司简介1. Company profile
Founded in May 2015, Xixian New Area Silk Road Culture Tourism Development Co., Ltd. has registered capital of RMB 1 billion, 66% and 34% of which are contributed by Shaanxi Travel Group and Fengxi New City respectively. The company is mainly specialized in development and construction of the Scenic City on the Silk Road, takes on the important historical mission of carrying out "The Belt and Road" national policy by Shaanxi Travel Group and shoulders the grand development target of making the sector of "king-shaped (王in Chinese)" cultural tourism industry layout of Shaanxi Travel Group in Central Shaanxi Plain bigger and stronger.
2. 项目简介
2. Project profile
旅行+主题乐园“Travel + Theme Park”(原丝路风情园)是陕西省三十二个重大文化项目之一的“丝绸之路风情城”核心项目,位于咸阳市区南部,沣西新城内,距周边大型交通中心均在一小时车程内。项目占地548亩,北临天元路,南接红光路,西靠兴科,东接沣渭大道。
As the core project of "Scenic City on the Silk Road", one of the 32 major culture projects in Shaanxi, Travel + Theme Park is located in southern Xianyang and in Fengxi New City and is one-hour's drive away from large traffic centers around. Covering an area of 548mu, the project is adjacent to Tianyuan Road in the north, Hongguang Road in the south, Xingke in the west and Fengwei Avenue in the east.
项目基于“一带一路”的伟大战略及汉文化深度挖掘的重要意义,依托区位优势,旨在建成一个以丝路发源为始端,汇聚陆上和海上丝路中的重要节点,以多样化的建筑风格、色彩斑斓、装饰性强的地域景观及丰富多变的主题项目为特色,融入高科技手段,打造 “旅游演艺、影视主题、中国古代童话园、互动体验家庭游”四位一体、别具一格的旅游项目,填补陕西乃至整个西北地区游乐园区相对匮乏的深壑。
Based on the grand strategy of "The Belt and Road" and the great significance of Chinese culture tapped, efforts will be made, relying on the superior regional advantages, to develop a unique travel project by taking the origin of the Silk Road as the starting point, gathering important nodes along the Continental Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road, employing diversified architectural styles and gorgeous and magnificent regional landscapes as well as abundant themes, and also integrating "tourism performing art, film and television themes, China's ancient fairy gardens and interactive experience family travel" so as to increase the number of scarce amusements parks in Shaanxi and even in the northwest China.
In ingenious land-water combined spatial structure construction techniques, six theme recreation areas, including East Asia-A Dream to the Orient, Central Asia-A Mysterious Journey to Loulan, West Asia-Fairy Tale World, Europe-The Jungle Book, India-Great Imagination and Entrance Service Area, will be created. Moreover, more than 30 characteristic amusement projects will be developed, such as Xuanzang Tower, Travel to the Mountain of Flames and Beautiful Chang'an City. At the same time, taking such large series live-action performances as The Travels of Marco Polo to the East as the core project, efforts will be made to create China's first cultural performance theme park and culture experience center of the Silk Road. The four theme tour lines to be rendered include "Family Mobilization", "Parent-Children Tour", "Youth Tour" and "Romance Tour".
The project is expected to have RMB 3 billion of investment, fully commenced in November 2017 and put into service in June 2019.
After the completion of the project, a great amount of job opportunities will be created and powerful driving force generated for the improvement of urban leisure functions and construction of new key city of grand Xi'an. Meanwhile, the cultural connotation and superiorities of Xi'an as the starting point of the Silk Road will be fully demonstrated so as to facilitate the optimized development of the tourism industry of Xi'an and even Shaanxi Province.

V. Participating objects
凡从事设计行业或者相关产品的设计师丶院校师生丶企业设计人员或者设计爱好者等均可参加。The competition is open to designers engaged in the design field of or the relevant products, teachers and students from colleges and universities, enterprises' designers and design amateurs.
VI. Requirements for works
(一)项目名称(I) Project name
项目英文名“Travel + Theme Park”+标识图形(中文名不做体现)
English name "Travel + Theme Park"+mlabel graphics (Chinese name is not required)
(II) Design contents
1. Project label and creative description of the label
2. The participants are required to provide at least two sets of design schemes.
(III) Design requirements
1. 旅行+主题乐园“Travel + Theme Park”作为“丝绸之路风情城”项目下属主题公园板块,在标志的设计上,要求既能体现项目独立性以及自身特色,又能体现项目作为单独板块与主体项目之间的紧密关联;
1. The Travel + Theme Park is a theme park under the project of "Scenic City on the Silk Road". The label of the project is required to represent the independence and features of the project and also embody the close correlation between the project and the main project.
2. 本着以人为本的设计理念,充分反映创新、文化和艺术性强的设计原则;
2. Following the people-oriented design ideology, the design principle of innovation, culture and art should be fully reflected.
3. 具备唯一性、创造性,有独特的创意,易懂、易记、易识别;
3. In addition, all works are required to be creative, unique, understandable, readable, catchy and identifiable.
4. 参赛作品须参赛者原创,无仿冒、无侵害他人知识产权,未曾公开发表或参加其他比赛。
4. Participating works must be original ones of the participants without counterfeit and infringement to other's intellectual properties, have not been released and exposed in other competitions.
5. 作品图形电子稿分辨率不低于300dpi(像素英寸),JPG或者TIF格式,并提供矢量图(AI或CDR格式文件)。
5. The resolution of the electronic copy of the works shall not be inferior to 300dpi(pixels per inch) and in JPG or TIF format and vector diagram should also be rendered (in AI or CDR format).
VII. Awards setting
全场大奖一名:奖金三万元+旅游套票大礼包;;One grand prix: RMB 30,000 bonus+ gift pack of tourism tickets
One best characteristic culture award: RMB 10,000 bonus+ gift pack of tourism tickets
One best creative design award: RMB 5,000 bonus+gift pack of tourism tickets
Five participating awards: honor certificate+gift pack of tourism tickets;
Honor certificate and medal will be awarded at the same time.
VIII. Time for submission
•征稿时间:2017年6月21日-2017年7月5日•Time for submission: from June 21, 2017 to July 5, 2017
•E-mail for submission: siluwenlvgongsi@163.com
Mailing address: F7, No.9 Builing, Economic Park, Head Office of Administration Committee, Fengxi New City of Xixian New Area
Tel.: 029-38020822,15809223069
IX. Review criteria
1.文化特色1. Cultural characteristics
•Embody project characteristics with cultural connotation of the Silk Road;
2. Creative design
•The design is creative and unique;
•Conform to the modern fashion trend;
•Be creative in such elements as style and color assortment;
3. Commercial value
•Have market potential;
X. Review committee
1.时间:2017年7月6日-2017年7月11日1. Date: from July 6, 2017 to July 11, 2017
2. Address: Tang Dynasty Xi'an
3. Event form: PPT presentation
4. The review committee will be composed of relevant experts to review the participating works and make public the result.
XI. Statement
1.大赛组委会对所有参赛作品拥有展示、出版和宣传的权利。其他任何单位和个人不得将本次大赛的获奖作品的设计方案进行宣传、出版、展览等,并不得向第三方转让,否则,组委会追究其法律责任。对于获奖作品,参赛者不能再次参加其他展览、比赛等活动,否则大赛组委会将追究其法律责任。1. The organization committee of the competition reserves the exhibition, publication and advertising rights of all participating works. Any other units and individuals shall not advertise, publish and display the design scheme of the award-winning works of the competition and not transfer such to any other third party, or else those in question shall be held accountable therefor by the organization committee. The participants shall not use the award-winning works in any other exhibition and competition, or else those in question shall be held accountable therefor by the organization committee.
2. Xixian New Area Silk Road Culture Tourism Development Co., Ltd. will sign a VI design contract on the Travel + Theme Park with the one winning the first prize in this competition.
3. The participating works shall be original. In case of disputes over intellectual properties and copyrights incurred by plagiarizing other's works and stealing trade secrets, the participants shall assume the liability therefor on his own and the organization committee shall be entitled to cancel the eligibility thereof and reclaim the relevant awards.
Xixian New Area Silk Road Culture Tourism Development Co., Ltd.
June 21, 2017